About Us
When we first got together, all of the Jewish holidays - Rosh Hashana, break-fast, Passover - were run by our parents. But not Hanukkah. We decided that one would be ours - and began inviting everyone (and we mean EVERYONE) to our house to enjoy one of our favorite holidays of the year.
Each year, we would throw a massive party, and choose a different ethnicity of food, making sure we always had some sort of latke and jelly donut on our menu. That included blue corn tortilla latkes for "La Fiesta de los Luces", a latke-croquette for "Spanica" and deep-fried King's Hawaiian rolls filled with jelly for "Alohanukkah" (highly recommend trying that one yourself). We'd light the candles and all sing together - it's always been a highlight of our year.
When we realized that Hanukkah was going to cross over with New Year's Eve in 2024 and 2027, we knew we had to do something special to celebrate. Thus was born the Jew Years Menorah - a beautiful, handcrafted menorah with just a little bit of "extra" to bring in the New Year. We've got two kids at home who we know will love the actual spinning ball (which glitters beautifully by the way) and can't wait to see families all across the country enjoying and sharing their own Hanukkah + New Year's Even ball drop moments.
So light those candles, sing those songs, count down from 10 and enjoy a Happy Jew Year! 🕎🕎